IfNotNow Responds to Continued Fighting by Israel and Hamas

For Immediate Release

December 1, 2023



In response to news that Israel and Hamas resumed fighting, IfNotNow national spokesperson Eva Borgwardt released the following statement:

“We’re deeply dismayed to see that, just hours after Secretary Blinken met with political leaders in the region, Israel and Hamas have reignited a war that has already cost over 1,200 Israeli and 14,000 Palestinian lives.

The Israeli military has already killed over 100 Palestinians in the first hours of its bombardment, blatantly ignoring the White House’s warnings for Israel to “limit civilian harm.” This is consistent with an overall strategy of targeting civilians, recently broken down by the New York Times and +972 Magazine. Israeli leaders, including the IDF spokesperson, have consistently declared that “the emphasis is on damage and not on accuracy.”

We urge President Biden to do everything within his power to push for a lasting ceasefire, full hostage exchange, and a long-term political solution that will ensure equality, justice, and peace for all Palestinians and Israelis so this horrific bloodshed can end once and for all.”



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