Membership in IfNotNow
IfNotNow Membership
By growing, serving and organizing our membership, IfNotNow builds long-term grassroots power and capacity for our movement. Membership mobilizes people and money to make change towards our goal.
When you become a member, you join a powerful movement committed to organizing the U.S. Jewish community to end U.S. support for Israel's apartheid system and to demand equality, justice, and a thriving future for all Palestinians and Israelis.
What does it mean to be a member of IfNotNow?
Members of IfNotNow identify as Jewish* and are committed to growing a community rooted in Jewish values and ritual that serves as a political, spiritual, and cultural home to stand against the oppression of Palestinians. Members invest in the power of organizing and commit to building a world where Jewish safety is created not from fear and isolation but through solidarity.
As a member, you support IfNotNow in two specific ways:
You contribute financially at whatever level is possible for you.
You take action towards realizing IfNotNow’s mission – whatever kind of action is possible for you – in ways consistent with our Code of Conduct.
As a member, you have access to:
A unique and vital role in the movement to transform U.S. politics and policy.
Member-only programming, including educational and networking opportunities.
Opportunities to provide feedback on IfNotNow strategy and tools.
A space where your political commitment to equality blossoms in harmony with your connection to Jewish community, custom, and spirit.
*We welcome non-Jews to support the movement as Sustaining Allies, because we know that realizing our vision of a thriving future for all through solidarity requires many forms of allyship. This includes: Jewish allyship to Palestinians, white Jewish allyship to Jewish and non-Jewish people of color, and the non-Jewish allyship to Jews engaging in the work of organizing our community from a place of compassion and healing. We invite Sustaining Allies to participate in the movement as outlined above for the sake of supporting our Jewish-led movement to build power.
Why should I join IfNotNow officially?
Membership is vital to build our movement in three essential ways: political power, financial resources, and social connection. The urgency of our cause requires increasing the scale and impact of our work. To do this, we ask you to invest in IfNotNow today both politically and financially, while deepening our beloved community.
Grow Political Power: Our collective voice is louder in urgent policy discussions when decision-makers understand the strength of our movement.
IfNotNow member numbers signal the recent growth in the portion of the U.S. Jewish community that believes our freedom and safety are intertwined with those of Palestinians. Member numbers also reflect the far larger group who agrees with this fundamental principle even if they are not yet active in the movement. Rising numbers of members and supporters show that we represent a growing and critical mass – a movement that can shift the tides within Jewish institutions, at the polls, in the streets, and in government.
Invest in the Long-Term Struggle: Your financial support enables IfNotNow to reach more people, organize them more effectively, and grow a stronger, wider base of support for the change so urgently needed.
IfNotNow’s bold mission excludes us from mainstream Jewish funding and leads other funders to view our work as politically risky. But this is not the only reason we seek broad grassroots support. Philosophically and strategically, IfNotNow must be accountable to the people investing time and energy to advance the mission. By pooling resources from thousands of IfNotNow activists and supporters like you, we build a sustainable movement true to our base’s values and goals.
Connect with Kindred Souls: IfNotNow brings people together in a compassionate, open and nourishing community of care.
In today's polarized context, many Jewish institutions are tightening ideological control, silencing and excluding all who value Palestinian as well as Israeli humanity. By contrast, IfNotNow builds liberatory power through empathy, thoughtful discussion and creative ritual; we are redefining Jewish community through solidarity and connectedness. When you become a member, you join not only the chorus of Jewish voices demanding an end to injustice, but a group of people working to build a Jewish future we can be proud of.
How much does it cost to be counted as a member?
Member dues at IfNotNow are on a sliding scale, guided by our commitment to full inclusion and equity.
We organize and take leadership from a wide range of people, diverse across many kinds of identity including race, ability, class privilege and financial means. Our online membership form offers a few suggested dues levels, but you can enter any rate that works for you. If you can’t afford dues today, we welcome you as a member for the symbolic payment of 1¢ (you can increase it later if you want).
For those who can give more, we urge you to build movement solidarity by committing at a level that is significant for you.
IfNotNow is committed to building a multi-racial, multi-ethnic, cross-class movement. We aspire to be a community that fully embodies the diversity of Jewish identity. Acknowledging the ways that systems of oppression continue to dominate our society, we welcome Jews who hold marginalized identities to sign up for membership at a 1¢ rate while you explore this movement and community.
To learn even more about membership, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.
To check whether your membership is up to date, visit the IfNotNow’s Self Service Portal to see when your last contribution was - membership is valid for one year from your most recent gift. You can also use this link to manage your information including payment methods and contact information. Alternatively, email development@ifnotnowmovement.org with any questions!