IfNotNow Responds to Hold on Sale of M16 Rifles to Israel

For Immediate Release
December 13, 2023


In response to reports that the Biden Administration has placed its sale of M16 rifles to Israel on hold, IfNotNow national spokesperson released the following statement:

“While we’re relieved to see that the Biden Administration put this weapons sale on hold, this is far too little. President Biden is currently pushing for $14 billion in unconditional weapons funding for Israel coupled with a brutal Trump-style crackdown at the border. At the same time, he bypassed Congress this week to sell $106 million in tank shells to Israel for what the President himself has described as an “indiscriminate bombing” campaign to kill Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

We are glad President Biden is showing some moral conviction against settler apartheid in the West Bank, it’s time he does the same against the mass murder in Gaza.”



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