Press Release: IfNotNow Detroit and IfNotNow Movement Endorse Rep. Rashida Tlaib as AIPAC-affiliated SuperPAC Begins Spending
July 27th, 2022
Announcement on TwitterElias Newman
Detroit, Michigan -- Today, IfNotNow Detroit and IfNotNow Movement endorsed Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib for MI-12.“Rashida is a brave, courageous fighter for people’s real needs like health care, education, decent housing and the things that people need in order to live in a decent society,” said Rene Lichtman, an IfNotNow Detroit member and Holocaust survivor. “She reflects the values that I have, that I grew up with — values that come from Jewish texts.”
As a long-time activist and legislator, Rep. Tlaib has fought tirelessly for working families, securing $1.1 billion to stop water shutoffs during the pandemic and $3 billion for restoring low-income homes and neighborhoods. She is also the only Palestinian-American in Congress and has fought for human rights worldwide, understanding that oppression abroad is connected to oppression at home.
"IfNotNow’s efforts in uplifting and humanizing the oppression of the Palestinian people has been critical in the fight for dignity and safety. They have been steadfast partners in fighting for equality and justice for all people, including in the fight for safe and affordable drinking water for Detroit residents and resisting white nationalism in the United States. I’m proud to have their support." said Tlaib.
IfNotNow Detroit previously endorsed Tlaib in 2020 and made thousands of calls to Detroit residents for her successful 2020 campaign.
In the last two weeks of the race, a billionaire-funded Super PAC connected to AIPAC has spent $200,000 in TV ads in support of one of Rashida’s opponents, and they’ve committed to spending another $800,000 before the election.
Tlaib’s primary opponent Janice Winfrey is receiving support from groups who support unconditional U.S. support to Israel’s military occupation and whose primary donors are Republicans, including Pro-Israel America and Urban Empowerment Action PAC. As of this April, nearly half of Winfrey’s campaign contributions have come from GOP donors in concert with these organizations working to undermine freedom and equality for Palestinians.
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