Fight Antisemitism and White Nationalism

We are mobilizing Jews to protest antisemitism and white nationalism, making it impossible for our public officials to hide their own antisemitism behind unquestioning support for Israel.

Commit to Fighting Antisemitism and White Nationalism

Since the 2016 election, we have seen a surge in antisemitic hate crimes and violence, and the deadliest attack against American Jews in history. Far too often, American public officials respond to the threat of antisemitism by invoking their unconditional support for Israel, implying that the safety of Jews and the political interests of the Israeli government are one and the same. Instead, we need American public officials to fight antisemitism and white nationalism while doing everything they can to build a multiracial democracy -- the best way to ensure the long-term safety and well-being of American Jews, all marginalized people, and all who call this country home.

I am committed to fighting against the threat of antisemitism and white nationalism, including but not limited to: naming and condemning white nationalist rhetoric and ideology that threatens Jews, especially when it comes from my colleagues in Congress or the President of the United States; to not conflating antisemitism and legitimate criticism of the Israeli government and its policy of military occupation; engaging with a rising generation of American Jewish constituents, organizers, and leaders; and fighting for a multiracial democracy that includes all of us.


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This is a project of If Not Now Education Fund. If Not Now Education Fund is a 501(c)3 nonprofit whose mission is to cultivate, support and train a volunteer led movement to shift the American Jewish community to end our community’s support for the Occupation and stand for freedom and dignity for Israelis and Palestinians.