Defunding Occupation
The majority of Americans and American Jews think the U.S. should use human dignity and freedom as guiding values of its foreign policy towards Israel/Palestine. However, for decades, AIPAC has weaponized Jewish identity and false accusations of antisemitism to ensure that public officials across the board vote to give Israel a blank check even as it continues to deny freedom and dignity to the Palestinian people. It’s time for Jews to rise up with moral clarity, reclaim our identity, and ensure that our government’s money funds freedom and not occupation.
Defunding Occupation
The United States currently gives more military funding to Israel than to any other country in the world, all while the Israeli government maintains a decades-long military occupation depriving millions of Palestinians of their economic, political, and civil rights. This policy runs contrary not only to the stated US position, but is in direct contradiction with American values of freedom, equality, and democracy. As the Israeli government entrenches a one-state reality, we need American elected officials to use every tool in their toolbox, including American assistance, to push for an end to the occupation and ensure freedom and dignity for both Israelis and Palestinians. We need everyone if we’re going to get our government to do all that it can to end the Israeli government’s military occupation of the Palestinian people.
I am committed to finding solutions that advance the basic freedom and dignity of Israelis and Palestinians, including but not limited to: developing and supporting legislation and/or resolutions to ensure that U.S. funding is used to move towards ending the occupation and achieving freedom and dignity for all Palestinians and Israelis — and does not fund any activities of occupation, such as home demolitions, the imprisonment of Palestinian children, Jewish settlements in the Occupied Territories, or the siege of Gaza; building support amongst my colleagues for such measures, and publicly advocating for an end to the occupation and for the equality and security of both peoples in the region.

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This is a project of If Not Now Education Fund. If Not Now Education Fund is a 501(c)3 nonprofit whose mission is to cultivate, support and train a volunteer led movement to shift the American Jewish community to end our community’s support for the Occupation and stand for freedom and dignity for Israelis and Palestinians.